#Best fiends forever souvenirs stats upgrade#
I had to bootstrap the conditional formatting for the Cost/Dmg columns into Google Sheets (what I had in Excel wouldn't import), and they may not be working optimally - as in, they sometimes only show one really expensive upgrade as being worth buying (usually right after you get a fiend to 100). With the (relative) freedom of JavaScript, I'm pretty sure I can come up with some way to list "Recommended" upgrades. I'm still thinking about the rest of the suggestions from the previous thread. I also added horizontal borders between each tier of 5 fiends that should help even more.

Also, since the file will live in your Google Drive, it will be instantly portable to any of your devices. This means no more worrying about backwards compatibility with old versions of Excel and no security warnings about running the macros. The biggest change is that I've ported it into Google Sheets. After a furious evening of coding, I'm happy to announce a new version of /u/cpp_is_king's calculator spreadsheet!